Opening Plenary
Regulatory perspectives on challenges stemming from modernization of nuclear energy
“ Advanced Nuclear” has experienced a recent surge of interest. This includes but is not limited to advances in modularization, alternative reactor designs, and engineered materials and systems. With the recent increase in interest, a renewed emphasis on a holistic approach to implementation of technological advances is merited. It is critical that modern practitioners of materials research have a broad perspective on not only innovative advances themselves, but also how implementation of these advances can affect licensing and regulation. A three-person, moderated panel consisting of high-level representatives from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada will discuss the unique regulatory challenges that arise from advancements in technologies, including advanced materials and processing techniques, that are integral to nuclear reactor primary and secondary systems.

Rita Baranwal
Assistant Secretary for
Nuclear Energy
U.S. Department of Energy

Raj Iyengar

Mark Foy
UK Regulator
Chief Nuclear Inspector

Ramzi Jammal
Executive Vice President
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission